Monday, April 12, 2010


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weight lifted

to do
1. hang christmas lights and inspirational words, quotes, photos in my room

2. customize my clothes (ie. add studs to my shorts, thrift away my life)
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3. ENJOY my life

Sunday, April 11, 2010

oh my gosh

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love like this

"i am lost, and that is why i am free"

so much to figure out, so much to accomplish.
i have nothign but faith, motivation and anticipation for my future
i'm ready, i'm ready, i'm ready.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

if i could have any job in the world

i would be a jcrew model.

BUT if i couldn't do that, i would really appreciate my own cooking show.
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i am far, far too passionate about food to let that one go.
and i don't mean baking, cooking.
i'm going to do it, i swear! even if its only to post on my lil ol' blog.

... i love food.

aggressive driving.

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every day while i drive to school, i think about how annoying rush hour is. i know its terrible, but i feel like i get to school so much more efficiently by being an aggressive driver. i absolutely cannot stand the practically stationary vehicles around me. you can find me headed west bound on the 60, about 7:36 am, muttering under my breath, "for real?" "honestly?" "are you serious?" every 5 seconds.
i'm over it.
today, i decided i'm going to write a book (or at least an essay) on how to drive. yeah, i'll call it... i don't know. "how to get somewhere in life being an asshole"? 'somewhere' specifically being your destination during early morning stand-stills. or maybe simply "backseat driver"?
i don't know. it doesn't actually matter because then i just realized the whole context of this book would be,
"if you're not going to turn right at this light i plan on turning at, go away." or "only i am allowed to text and drive" or even "if you haven't figured out by now that metro buses stop all the dang time and take up the whole right-hand lane, then i'm not letting you in. you deserve to be stuck behind one. end of story. maybe you'll learn your lesson."
i don't really have much advice other than "please get out of my way and let me get to school on time because i may or may not have chosen to sleep in and now i'm running late."
where did i even get this aggression? my mother and father couldn't be happier with just goin' with the flowin' of traffic, even if switching lanes could cut off 15 minutes of their drive time. i wasn't even allowed to drive with people until i was 15 and i'm always the extraordinarily cautious passenger, scared out of my mind that everyone and their dog is going to merge into us for no apparent reason.
what it all comes down to would probably have to be my severe lack of patience... at least when it comes to interferences with my schedule.
am i patient in any situation? probably not, unless it is a convenience to me.

JUST KIDDINGGGG. i am not a terrible person, but come on people!
its my way onnnnn the highway... atleast in my mind.

Monday, April 5, 2010


i'm a little late.

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but what a beautiful sabbath day.
i love conference. this past week/weekend was glorious.
we went to copeland with some good friends, and their last show was brilliant <3
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we also saw the easter pageant with the Miller's, i'm so grateful that we had the opportunity to do that! i've never been able to sit so close to the stage, and it was a completely different experience! amazing!